Tuesday 13 September 2011

School Mags.

Research on school magazines 

Who is the audience of a school magazine?
Genuinely the first audience i thought about was obviously the school students! Secondly i thought about the students parents who would want to know what is going on in and around the school, and also everyone in and around the community such as people wanting their children to attend the school, and people who like to keep an interest in the schools activities. Eg. In the magazine up and to the  right, it would appeal more to parents and adults. This is because the picture on the front of the magazine shows a studious student doing her work. Also by using cover lines such as a 'free pamper day including £100 personal shopping experience courtesy of john lewis' this would appeal to a more affluent audience.

How do school magazines appeal to their audience?
The magazines appeal to their audience by using the school logo's and colours, to show it is related to the readers lifestyle. Also they put the most important issue on the front of the magazine so that the reader knows what the article is about, therefore making them intrigued into reading more about it. By using pictures of the students from the school and around the school will also attract parents. Also by using pictures, and bright colours the magazines could appeal to the students. By using bright colours and photo themes the students will be attracted to reading the magazine as it is about themselves and looks exciting and vibrant.

What types of stories do school magazines cover?
The types of stories school magazines cover are such ones as school issues, school fundraisers and advertising, they would also input such things as current events and students achievements. School magazines would cover stories like this because they are directly related or proportional to the school and it's pupils, to give the school some positive advertising and to help keep the parents involved in the school's activities.

What are typical names for school magazines?
For the magazines i have researched, the names for them genuinely seem to be names that are directly related to the school, or a school related term. They are short and precise, but also engaging and fun.

What layout and colour conventions do these particular school magazines follow?
The masthead shows us how regularly the magazine is made, and it tells us a little bit about the magazine whether its interesting or not, to a certain audience. It also tells us the information that might be inside of the magazine such as what articles there are and what type of style they will portray. The masthead's on these two particular school magazines are larger then all the other writing on the page, this is to make it stand out and engage the reader.

There are cover lines on both of the magazine's shown. Cover lines show you a little bit more about what is inside the magazine. For example: 'every year 11 GCSE grades published' and 'charity'; these are placed onto the front cover to hopefully make the reader want to look on further than just the front cover and actually read parts or maybe the whole of the magazine. 

Finally, by looking at both of the magazines shown, you can see that they both have used bright vibrant positive colours on their front pages of the magazine. These would be chosen to influence the reader to think positively about the school and what is going on inside it. For example, the background on the 'insight' magazine is a fresh white, making it uplifting and not gloomy.

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