Wednesday 14 September 2011


Contents Pages

This first contents page includes what the magazine features, it also includes pictures and what pages the stories are on. It is positioned with the masthead/title at the top and with the photos positioned on the right hand side of the page. The contents page has the featured column down the left hand side, this might be because they want you to read the writing before looking at the pictures. This contents page could appeal to a young audience by using bright colours and interesting pictures; however it has a plain background which could in fact be a little boring certainly not very intriguing. Also the designer of this page has teased you into reading the magazine as giving you the article titles and only some of the page numbers, making you want to read through the entire magazine.                
This second content page on the left, includes also a masthead/title at the top, however it has what the magazine features and the page numbers scattered all across the page instead of placed in a certain format. The photos are also dispersed across the whole of the contents page. This contents page seems very appealing  towards a young audience like the first one, although the designer has used quite a dull coloured picture as the background. The combination of colours and fonts make the page look full and exciting, however this may make it seem cluttered to some.        
In the third contents page it also has the masthead/title at the top. However they have alternated the pages numbers and what features on the page numbers down the left hand side of the page instead of maybe the centre, or the right hand side. This contents page has one single picture as the background which blends in with the writing,this could confuse the readers and blend in a little too much. However it could appeal to a young audience because it uses an abstract picture in the background, which might interest the audience. This contenst page could also be appealing to readers by telling us what features in the magazine; this means that they know exactly what they will be reading about.  

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