Friday 13 January 2012

This is our photo story board

Our first shot after the setting would be the front door of the house where it takes place. It would then zoom in to show the door handle and then the key hole.

Once it has gone through the key hole it would then go into the first corridor! In the corridor there is a large staircase and a couple of doors.

The shot would then move up the staircase and right at the top of the stairs a 'shadow' would flash past the camera very fast.

Then there would be a close up shot of the girls terrified face as shes looking behind her, this would be whilst she is running down a long narrow corridor.
The next shot would be a medium long shot of the girl running down the corridor from behind.

The girl then trips and we get a side shot of her doing this, she gets up and runs out of the shot however when she gets up she is going to be animated.

Then There will be a close up of an unknown mans feet walking along the corridor.
A medium shot of the back of the man. This will be a sillouette shot and you will not be able to recognise him.

A side on shot of the girls running feet.

Aother shot of the man walking, this time walking towards and past the camera.
Close up shot of the mans clenched fists as he is walking.
A long shot of a mysterious wardrobe.
A long shot over the mans shoulder of the girl climbing in the wardrobe.
A side on shot of the mans feet walking

A long shot zoomed into a close up of the wardrobe, it will then fade into the wardrobe.

This is where there will be a close up of the girls terrified face as she waits in anticipation.

A close up of the girls eyes

A close up of the girl cramped up inside the wardrobe.

A close up of the girls heavy breathing

A long shot of a clock
close up of the clock hand ticking
side on shot of the hands ticking.

Another long shot of the clock.
The girls face as the man opens the wardrobe doors and the light flashes in her eyes.

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