Wednesday 19 October 2011

Prelimery Production Evaluation

How closely did you stick to your planning? What were the 

challenges in doing this?
I think i suck to my plan very well, the only part i think i dramatically changed was the background colour, this was because i felt like the black colour that i originally wanted to have didnt look striking enough. I also changed the colour of the text because i originally wanted it to be pink, but as the background is now pink i changed the cover-line colours to blue. The only challenge i had whilst doing this was making all the text have the same effects and same colours, some of them came out differently to the others and i had to tweek the settings to make sure it was all correct.

Did you find the planning helpful? why?
Yes i found the planning helpful because it helped my visualise my final piece.It also made me consider the layout of the piece and also the colour scheme. I found it helpful because it helped me with time consumption and attention to detail. It helped with  this because i had he main ideas set out so then i could consider smaller details such as editing the text instead of taking time deciding what it should say when i came to creating the final piece.

How did you find the process of finding and cropping your original image?

 I found this process tiring. I first took the picture and uploaded it to the database however, trying to get the picture into a folder that was usable was a bit difficult. One i did this the cropping process took quite a bit of time as the picture had a very detailed background and it took a while to get the tools on photoshop to be the right configuration to collect the pixels and recognise the background from the main picture. Once this was done refining the edges was easy. However i think the whole process was worth it as i think the picture looks much better now without its original background.

What have you learnt from the process about creating covers and contents pages?

I  have learnt from this process, that by using photoshop to create a contents page and cover it is a lot easier to manipulate the image then using other programs. I have also learnt about what is a masthead and why is it there, also i learnt a lot of other key terms such as cover-lines and plugs. These words and techniques will help me a lot in the future if i need to do any editing or when analysing things such as magazines.

What would you do differently next time?

Next time i would do a lot more detailed plan to help me with the set up of the pages. Secondly i would write a diary of notes whilst editing incase i want to come back to do something and i have forgotten how to do it. I would also put a lot more detail into the page as i feel mine is quite plain and maybe a bit boring.

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