Monday, 12 March 2012

Evaluation Script.

Harriet Milnes

As Production


Who is involved in my production?

The producers for my production are me Harriet Milnes, and Kayla walker.

The actors involved in the production are Matthew Jones who plays the mysterious young man and me Harriet Milnes who plays the young innocent girl

What is my production about?

Our production is about a young girl who is visiting her father’s grave when she senses that she is not alone, she tries to compose herself. However she isn’t alone and that’s what the audience gets to see, in the end the young man who is following her finally grabs her.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents evil and horror; by starting the sequence with a young girl walking on her own this shows that she is one of the main influential characters. It shows that she is in a venerable position; also by hiding the young mans face throughout the production it creates a sense of unknown and that this young man isn’t familiar to the young girl; this creates a creepy, horror like effect. The whole production is based on horror on unrealistic frightening and sinister acts that are extremely rare in real life. To add to the horror theme we used dark ominous music in the background by marilyn manson and dark effects over the picture to make the atmosphere even more intense. The production is a horror.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our production might be shown on such channels as skyhorror or chiller tv. However it might also come on channels such as channel 4; It would be classed as a horror film and aimed at all ages of people and mostly towards horror obsessors. The type of institution that might distribute our product are such people as Stanley Kubrick who produced such films as ‘The Shining’ horror film about a man who is taken over by a spirit and tries to murder his isolated family who have nowhere to run. I think that these types of constitutions might distribute our work because they have the same kind of theme as their work. His work have creepy ora’s to them without frightening the audience to death, the way he uses family and an isolated area relates to just the sort of thing we wanted our film to be like.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for our media product would be for people who love horror. However it would also be for young adults or teenagers this is because they would feel related to the film as by using young characters in our production it makes the young adults or teenagers feel that they can relate to the character in the film and this will in fact make the film seem more horrific to them as maybe it would to a 50 year old. However I personally feel that anybody could watch this film and still enjoy or have the same reaction as anybody else. People who can interoperate what is happening and understand the pain and fright that the girl in the production is going through will be spooked by this production no matter what age they are. on the other hand some people may feel that the production is a bit too obvious for them and may feel like the product is not for them. I think they might feel this because it is in a grave yard which is renound for being in horror films to represent the coming back from the dead ect. Therefore some people might feel that to base a horror production in a graveyard is too obvious and cheesy for them. According to research through other productions such as ours, it shows that our production would have a male orientated audience.

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience by doing things as not showing the male characters face. This means that it may draw in the audience to want to discover who the male character is and why is his face hidden, therefore making them want to watch more. By using such close ups as the behind the shoulder take and the close up of the walking feet it references other horror films to give people with the knowledge of media an understanding. These people with an understanding will know more in depth about our product than someone without any knowledge at all, who will not take any notice of the references we have made.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing this product I have learnt many new things about using the programme imovie; such as how to add an image to green screen, or fade to black. I have also learnt how to add affects, Slow down, and speed up a clip. I also learnt many new techniques about how to use a camera such as the 180 degree rule. This means that I have learnt all these new things about technologies I can apply it to my work in the future and therefore create better more polished productions in a more efficient time period.

Looking back at your prelimery task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my prelimery task I think I have discovered more efficient ways of filming and editing that I have applied to my product. In my prelimery I distinctively remember never using a tripod which made things very difficult as the footage would always be a little bit wobbly. Now by using a tripod throughout most of my filming in my final production it has made the footage look more professional and has made me feel like a more experienced filmier. Also I feel like I didn’t do enough planning for my prelimery product; therefore for my final product I researched a lot more and drew up hundreds of different storyboards and took test shots to make sure that everything was planned out to create a more efficient filming process when I came to film the final production. Although we had difficulties with the green screen and yes it took up a lot of time I am glad we did things to experiment more with our final production as with my prelimery task I don’t think I challenged myself as much and therefore didn’t try and fulfil filming to my full ability. Overall I think I have improved in many different ways throughout the time period from when I started my prelimery task to now when I have finished my final product.

Choosing A Title

When creating our film it took a while for us to choose a title, we went  through many options that would look and sound good. Our original idea was to call our film 'BOO' however when we actually entered it into the  production it just didn't look right; therefore we started brainstorming more film titles to see what would look and sound good but also relate to our production. We finally settled pm the title 'Ready or not..' This was because its short and sweet but also completely fits in with the setting and the theme of our production. 

New costumes

Because we changed the location of our production, we thought it was necessary to change the costume too, this was because the dress the girls dress would not have been practical in the situation. Therefore we decided that the costume would be everyday clothes for the girl and the boy, this makes the characters seem more realistic.

However when filming sections with the boy we decided he didn't look creepy enough and that we had to do something to him to make him seem out of the ordinary. The options we thought of were either hiding his face or covering it in makeup. We ruled out putting makeup on the boy because we felt that he wouldn't look scary from a distance, only up close. This was a problem because most of the shots of the boy we wanted to be long shots or extra long shots, or from behind him. Therefore we decided to cover the boys face.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Music choice

After consulting others, some people thought that our music choice didnt fit with the final product; therefore we started to look into different types of music. This is the music we have finally settled on...

Choosing an effect.

We decided to add effect to our production to create a scary atmosphere; these are a few effects we have looked at...

New Music, not sure yet though!

We have placed this music onto our footage but we aren't quite sure if it fits yet. We needed music with a creepy atmosphere and it also needs a cerscendo therefore we are struggling to find some audio that really fits.

Graveyard filming!

The filming in the graveyard took a few days but it was defiantly worth it! By filming in the grave yard we created dark scenes and could capture lots of different takes of the same image!

Our storyline has defiantly changed because of our change of location but i still feel like all our original planning came in helpful, by looking at our old storyboards and adapting them, and also using the same types of shots we were going to use originally, it made the process still prety quick and simple.

My favourite shot in the sequence in the graveyard is the one shown above! We took some time making sure the angle was perfect and that we made the girl look as dead as possible! By keeping her hand in the shot also it shows that she has fallen, making it seen more eerie.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Once we filmed all our green screen footage we started to put it into imovie.
However once doing this we discovered that we could not add effects on top of the footage with the green screen! This meant that when we tried to add an effect to the green screen footage such things would happen as a white glow around the original footage, or the character would turn very distorted half way through a shot. 

Therefore we have had to try and figure out what we were going to use instead of our green screen footage. We went through possibilities of just re-filming a few clips in another location and try and merge them in with our original footage however we felt that that will not work as well as we would want it to.

By looking at easy close locations that will give off a good vibe we finally decided to re-shoot all/ most of our footage in a near by church. By re-shooting our footage a graveyard it will give us good access to a good location as well as giving off the spooky/horror atmosphere that we were looking for! 

We have planned to get all the footage filmed by the end of this week, therefore leaving lots of time for editing and tweaking the footage to look its best. 

Mise En Scene

The whole production will be lit by the sun light and nothing else, as I think this will produce a good amount of light and give the surroundings a good natural colour to build the eeriness that we want to create.

In order to complete our filming we will need to take a lot of equipment, therefore we need to organise this before we set out, as we have a small window of opportunity with the light. At this time of year the optimum time would be around 4.30pm or before, this is because its dusk, but we only have a small period of this ‘dusk’ light before it will get very dark. Consequently we will have to rely on quick filming and accurate timing to make sure that we get the whole setting and atmosphere captured in the small time frame we have!

The type of equiptment we will need includes:

  • tripod
  • video camera
  • costume for the girl and boy (including bag for the boys head)
  • storyboards

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Green Screen

We started to film using the green screen, we spent 4 hours in the room taken different shots and sequences to make sure we had enough to use in editing. These are a few stills from the day.  

On Location: South Allington House

We took many stills and moving images of the location we wanted. We did this without the characters in it, this is because we are then putting it onto the green screen where we will edit our moving shots of the characters on top of the original shots. These were taken in north devon at a place called South Allington House.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


The male character in our film will be typically creepy, however you will never see his face or anything that would distinguish him. He will be a silhouette throughout the whole sequence and the only feature of him you will ever see is his feet and hands.

One example of a male character in a horror film similar to ours is Jack from The Shining. He is a middle aged man who has the same structure and body language as we want our male to be.

The Girl in our sequence is portrayed as very sweet and innocent, she is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. There will be a lot of close ups of her terrified face and her running feet, this will make the girl more apparent to the audience therefore they will feel more for her. 

One character we based our girl on would be Emily Calloway in Hide and Seek. She is a young innocent girl that is terrified by unfortunate events that happen to her throughout the film. 

Our girl character will be played by me Harriet Milnes

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Costume For Girl

This is the dress we are going to use for the girls costume; this is because it is bright but also childlike in its fashion. This gives the impression that the girl is young.

These are the shoes that will be worn along with the dress; this is because they are flat and practical to run in however they are bright and appealing. This means they would suit the character, and also show her innocence.

We are going to use over the top and bright makeup on the girl to make her features stand out, however she will also be dusty and dirty to show how the situation she is in is very out of the ordinary.

Friday, 13 January 2012

This is our photo story board

Our first shot after the setting would be the front door of the house where it takes place. It would then zoom in to show the door handle and then the key hole.

Once it has gone through the key hole it would then go into the first corridor! In the corridor there is a large staircase and a couple of doors.

The shot would then move up the staircase and right at the top of the stairs a 'shadow' would flash past the camera very fast.

Then there would be a close up shot of the girls terrified face as shes looking behind her, this would be whilst she is running down a long narrow corridor.
The next shot would be a medium long shot of the girl running down the corridor from behind.

The girl then trips and we get a side shot of her doing this, she gets up and runs out of the shot however when she gets up she is going to be animated.

Then There will be a close up of an unknown mans feet walking along the corridor.
A medium shot of the back of the man. This will be a sillouette shot and you will not be able to recognise him.

A side on shot of the girls running feet.

Aother shot of the man walking, this time walking towards and past the camera.
Close up shot of the mans clenched fists as he is walking.
A long shot of a mysterious wardrobe.
A long shot over the mans shoulder of the girl climbing in the wardrobe.
A side on shot of the mans feet walking

A long shot zoomed into a close up of the wardrobe, it will then fade into the wardrobe.

This is where there will be a close up of the girls terrified face as she waits in anticipation.

A close up of the girls eyes

A close up of the girl cramped up inside the wardrobe.

A close up of the girls heavy breathing

A long shot of a clock
close up of the clock hand ticking
side on shot of the hands ticking.

Another long shot of the clock.
The girls face as the man opens the wardrobe doors and the light flashes in her eyes.