Tuesday 21 February 2012


Once we filmed all our green screen footage we started to put it into imovie.
However once doing this we discovered that we could not add effects on top of the footage with the green screen! This meant that when we tried to add an effect to the green screen footage such things would happen as a white glow around the original footage, or the character would turn very distorted half way through a shot. 

Therefore we have had to try and figure out what we were going to use instead of our green screen footage. We went through possibilities of just re-filming a few clips in another location and try and merge them in with our original footage however we felt that that will not work as well as we would want it to.

By looking at easy close locations that will give off a good vibe we finally decided to re-shoot all/ most of our footage in a near by church. By re-shooting our footage a graveyard it will give us good access to a good location as well as giving off the spooky/horror atmosphere that we were looking for! 

We have planned to get all the footage filmed by the end of this week, therefore leaving lots of time for editing and tweaking the footage to look its best. 

Mise En Scene

The whole production will be lit by the sun light and nothing else, as I think this will produce a good amount of light and give the surroundings a good natural colour to build the eeriness that we want to create.

In order to complete our filming we will need to take a lot of equipment, therefore we need to organise this before we set out, as we have a small window of opportunity with the light. At this time of year the optimum time would be around 4.30pm or before, this is because its dusk, but we only have a small period of this ‘dusk’ light before it will get very dark. Consequently we will have to rely on quick filming and accurate timing to make sure that we get the whole setting and atmosphere captured in the small time frame we have!

The type of equiptment we will need includes:

  • tripod
  • video camera
  • costume for the girl and boy (including bag for the boys head)
  • storyboards